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Top 10 Winter Foods - Diet that keep you going in Cold!

Dt. Ankita Gupta Sehgal

Winter is the time when people cherish food for several reasons, be it the seasonal availability of certain food items and their unique flavor, color, taste, etc. Also, during winters we need to add food that warm us and helps to build immunity to fight against common cold, cough and flu.

This season brings with it hearty winter greens like palak, methi, sarson, muli and high energy and protein grains like Bajra and makki which are loaded with warmth giving quality. All this calls for higher intake of food leading to more calorie intake than usual. Here are some winter foods with high nutritional value coming in a low calorie package.

  • Methi leaves: In winters, methi leaves are available in abundance and are fresh. It is an excellent source of folate, vitamin A, B6, C, and K. It is excellent in boosting immunity during the winter months. Methi instantly increases body heat which is perfect for cold days. Methi also helps in lowering the cholesterol and control diabetes. It can be consumed in many ways either make a parantha out of it or a subzi, its goodness remains there.

  • Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits especially orange and grapefruit are at their juiciest in the wintertime. Loaded with vitamin C. Citrus fruits are also rich in flavonoids, which are known to boost ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Carrot: It is the “powerfood” of winters, packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, C, K, and B8, beta carotene, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese. Good for vision as it is a good source of vitamin A. Pectin present in it lowers the cholesterol levels. Carrots are known to possess anti cancer properties. Try to have a glass of carrot juice daily.

  • Hot soups: Nothing is better than a bowl of hot soup during chilly winters. Less in calories, higher in nutrients, satisfies the taste buds, provides heat to your body. What else can be a better appetizer than even a simple tomato soup or chicken soup.

  • Ginger: Ginger acts as an antioxidant. It makes your immune system strong. It is an excellent remedy against cold and flu especially when taken with honey. It boosts the metabolism and keeps the body warm. A hot cup of ginger tea is the best way to protect from winter chills.

Let's gives this winter a healthy break by adding above mentioned foods in our diet.

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